The original article I got these very helpful tips from provided 30 tips, I went through and found my top five that I think can help the most!  Even for non-nonprofits!

1. Smart phones are your donors most personal and used devices

Tip:  Get donor mobile numbers on all forms

2. Smart phones are the primary way we are doing our researching

Tip:  Implement mobile friendly donation pages!

3. Mobile communication is the most effective way to communicate and engage with your donors

Quick fact:  99% of texts are read and 90% are read within 3 minutes

4. Sending links to photos and videos is the best way to stay digitally connected with your donors.

Tip:  Keep fundraising videos around or less than 60 seconds, any longer and the average brain will not retain the information.

5. Use your social media!  Donors and other website visitors can be drawn to your page if social media is utilized.

Tip:  Keep your social media sites up to date!  Post regularly