by Marketing | Apr 19, 2015 | Digital Marketing, Strategy
Final step for your social media planning. This comes from a two-time CEO of multi-million dollar companies to work with his clients.
1. Add in new posts from the past week into existing ad groups via “create similar ad”– winner stay on.
2. Create new saved target audiences based on what interests are converting via Audience Insights.
3. For conversions events that have at least 20 conversions in the last month, switch bidding from website clicks (CPC) to website conversions.
4. Fill out weekly performance report template to summarize performance of content and targeting against your goals.
5. Increase/decrease budgets by ad set and channel based on performance.
by Marketing | Apr 14, 2015 | Digital Marketing, Strategy
Each person has a different personality and everyone responds differently to stimuli. Of course, you can find trends in how a group of people respond and react, and this is important to know. True growth of your business and understanding usability, is based on looking at HOW you are saying what needs to be said to an audience.
The wheel below translates into four simple personality traits. Tailor messages that relay your message effectively to each group. Set up your editorial calendar so each communication addresses a group differently.

by Marketing | Apr 11, 2015 | Digital Marketing, Strategy
Ad creation checklist – Step 5 of 6
1. Create boosted posts against most recent 5 Facebook posts (audience and engagement), using all saved audiences.
2. Create dark post bidding to website clicks (CPC) for landing page, using saved audiences.
3. Set up remarketing ads for one day landing page abandoners via Google and Facebook.
4. Set up email and search remarketing in Facebook and Google using utm parameters (CIDs, if you have Omniture).
5. Create media inception ads using the “Facebook for $1 a day” strategy.
by Marketing | Apr 7, 2015 | Digital Marketing, Non-Profit Strategy, Websites
Remember your roots. Everything still rotates around your website as your marketing and sales HUB. You can search Google and find several variations on this theme, some more complex or simplified. Use the one that best suites you. Print this, post on your wall so when you walk in your office you are reminded of it.
As you get caught up in the busy of business, go back to the simple concept of your roots. It’s about helping people, helping others, you can do this by creating sales, creating wealth and freeing up time to….do more.
- Set three goals each day that make an impact. To sales or to people.
- Communicate with your current and future audiences as effectively as you can.
- Have highly focused Call To Actions (CTA) on your site.

by Marketing | Apr 7, 2015 | Digital Marketing, Websites
Step 4 of 6 – Audience Targeting
1. Import your email lists into Facebook as custom audiences.
2. Create saved target audiences– one workplace targeted audience, one job title audience, and one similar pages audience.
3. Create 1% lookalike audience on each of the conversions you track.
4. Create 1 day and 30 day audiences (WCA) site-wide, plus 1 day and 30 day audiences per major landing page.
5. Use an analytics dashboard to measure KPI
by Marketing | Apr 2, 2015 | Digital Marketing, Strategy
Defining content is highly important and we use this as a checklist for prepping a company to grow using social media. It comes from a successful CEO who has grown two multi-million dollar companies.
Define Content
1.Gather supporting content at each stage of the funnel (AEC).
2. Make sure you have at least one native video.
3. Assemble content list of third party endorsements on external sites.
4. Create personas for the top 3 constituents you serve, which drives targeting.