Ad Checklist for Facebook and Social Media – 5 of 6

Ad creation checklist – Step 5 of 6

1. Create boosted posts against most recent 5 Facebook posts (audience and engagement), using all saved audiences.
2. Create dark post bidding to website clicks (CPC) for landing page, using saved audiences.
3. Set up remarketing ads for one day landing page abandoners via Google and Facebook.
4. Set up email and search remarketing in Facebook and Google using utm parameters (CIDs, if you have Omniture).
5. Create media inception ads using the “Facebook for $1 a day” strategy.

Define Content or Facebook and Social Media – 3 of 6

Defining content is highly important and we use this as a checklist for prepping a company to grow using social media.  It comes from a successful CEO who has grown two multi-million dollar companies.

Define Content

1.Gather supporting content at each stage of the funnel (AEC).
2. Make sure you have at least one native video.
3. Assemble content list of third party endorsements on external sites.
4. Create personas for the top 3 constituents you serve, which drives targeting.