The TED Talks speaker Mel Robbins says we have two parts of our brain, one that wants normalcy or routine and the other one that is programmed for
emergencies.  It is our goal to find the part that balances both of them into what she calls an Activation Force.

Sure, I can go into the “Force” as portrayed in Star Wars, but that is not what we’re talking about.  It is the force that is required to get out of bed in the morning, to push yourself beyond the mundane and jump into the uncomfortable.  The exact same amount of force that gets you up early to start your day is all that is required to move you to greatness.

Think outside the box and act with your Activation Force:

A.  Dream about technology: You are probably right about your ideas and your customers will agree with you.

B.  Direct change:  Delegate to employees or vendors to make change happen.  Spend part of your time moving ahead instead of catching up.

C.  Living media:  Websites, apps and videos are living media.  Feed and nurture them to create growth.

Loving technology every day!