Here at iCita we support Salesforce and Pardot for our clients.  So I want to share some great information passed on by the Pardot team.  Here are three simple, but very important questions when building a landing page.

What’s in it for me?
Bounce rates on landing pages can be very high, so capturing a visitor’s attention quickly is crucial. The easiest way to grab a visitor’s attention is to offer them something of value, such as an informative white paper or a free product trial. The value proposition should clearly explain the benefits of taking whatever action you are asking visitors to take.

How do I get it?
Landing pages are used to get a visitor to take a certain action. Usually this will be filling out a form or visiting a particular page on your site. Whatever the goal, make your intentions clear with a direct and compelling call to action. If a user has to complete a form to obtain a whitepaper, make the form short, prominently displayed on the page and easy to complete. You want to streamline the process as much as possible to improve conversion rates.

Why should I trust you?
Most visitors feel some degree of hesitation when it comes to turning their information over to a total stranger — especially a company that could potentially flood their inbox with emails for the foreseeable future. Add some social credibility to your landing pages with a short client list or customer testimonials. This will help build credibility and trust with the visitor and increase conversion rates.

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